Virus Removal Tool


nfected with a virus? Unsure whether your existing antivirus software has detected and removed it? Still having problems and unsure where to turn to next? Sophos Virus Removal Tool can help.

Using cutting edge technology found in our enterprise-grade software, this powerful tool detects all types of malicious software on your computer—including viruses, spyware, rootkits and Conficker—and returns it to a working state.

The tool has direct access to virus data from SophosLabs, our global network of threat researchers, ensuring that even the very latest viruses are detected and removed. And it works alongside your existing antivirus.

Here's How

  • Download the tool, run the program and put the Virus Removal Tool on your desktop.
  • Double click Sophos Virus Removal Tool and then click the Start scanning button
  • The tool scans your computer and removes any viruses it finds
  • You’re done

Download our free Virus Removal Tool

What it does

With more than 100 million global users our Sophos Virus Removal Tool includes the same great security features available in our Sophos Enduser Protection solution:

  • User memory scanning and cleaning
  • Kernel memory scanning and cleaning
  • File scanning